Sunday, August 31, 2008


To you parents out there with potty trained, or training, children have you ever woken up to a child screaming "MOOOOMMMMMYYYY, I need a wipe!!!!!!!" And if you did, did you ever want to yell back, "just put back on your underwear, I'll wipe you later!!!" I didn't do that of course, I got up, wiped her, and went upstairs to get miracle juice, I mean coffee. Katie is doing great with the potty training. She hasn't had any accidents at night, but I'm not going to start letting her sleep in underwear quite yet. I have a hard enough time getting up just to help her wipe, could you imagine having to change sheets in the middle of the night. What am I thinking most of you have done it. I don't necessarily want to do that.
If your child is not potty training yet, don't get me wrong. This is a wonderful event, and no more diapers is a plus. A $75 per month plus. I would gladly wipe her anytime over changing diapers, but I sure do miss my sleep. Not that I've seen many full nights of those since before she was born.

Katie is sure growing up. Besides potty training, Katie has a lot of new friends. Ever since going to Lizzie's house she seems to have decided that she can talk to other children. The girls next door being her new buddies. There are four sisters next door age 11-3 and last week they came over to play. They seem to like her back and the night they came over to play they asked if she could come for dinner. So my little baby went with their entire family to dinner, while Rick, Aunt Carrie, and I, went somewhere else. I have never been so excited, nervous, and sad all at once. My little girl is growing up and I just can't stop her. But I know she is still a daddy's girl at heart. As I type this she is eating ice cream with him and asking him if he wants to go play in her room or his. I asked her if she likes playing with Daddy, and she said "yes, mommy, Daddy's my friend." Daddy is exceptionally good at tea parties. All daddies should be.

Katie posed last night for us showing off her Cabelas purchases. Here are some pictures:

She's going to be a snow bunny, she even has the ear
protection to prove it!

This is a cool snow hat because...

...She can play Stick, em up. Yup I can tell too that she
can't make a gun with her hand. This is as good as it gets.


I am sorry to say that our computer had contracted a nasty Trojan. This said the computer was blown apart (tears, tears) and put back together. It is now out of ICU (Intensive Computer Unit) and I am able to type. Unfortunately the computer lost some of it's memory (amnesia) that won't come back. Thankfully though Rick took some of the memory out, a painless surgery I promise, and stored it away on an external hard drive. But I can't put any pictures on yet for two reasons: one, the computer is being babied and not forced to download anything, and two, I did a bad thing and forgot to take pictures this weekend.

This weekend Rick took us on a road trip from our house to Logan, Utah and down to Mecca, or as lay people call it, Cabelas. We went to lunch in Logan at the Bluebird Cafe, which I HIGHLY recommend, and shopped a little. Would you believe the crowd of people and traffic had me stressed out?!?!? Take a city girl out of the city...then put her back. It wasn't pretty, there was a shaky stomach (which didn't stop me from enjoying the lunch) and sweaty hands. But I made it through. We stayed in Layton for the night which is about 1.5 hours or so south. I liked it there. It is next to the base and Rick would enjoy living there very much. We stayed at a nice hotel, and shopped a little at three of our favorite stores, Old Navy, Toy R Us, and Barnes and Nobles. Katie did a great job at all the stores, except that she didn't tell us she needed to go potty and proceeded to pee on the floor at Barnes and Nobles. I always felt bad for those moms. Did any employee help me, nope. Did parents give me dirty looks, sure. One employee told me where to find paper towels, and so Katie and I did a brisk walk to the bathroom where I took all the paper towels and cleaned the floor by myself. I wanted to rush out of the store, but Katie wasn't done playing trains so I had to wait until she was done. Every mom has the pee on the floor story and now I have mine. I feel soooo lucky!
Saturday we went to Cabelas in Lehi. I have never seen a larger bunch of giddy men. I must admit the store is cool. If I had my own home I would be shopping in the home furnishings department, with giddiness myself. I thought we would be out of there with a couple of things, but about $200 later I was shopped out. At least Rick should have some good work clothes that will last oh say 6 months. His job is a little hard on clothes.
After Cabela's Rick showed us where he got his Elk last September. It is gorgeous down in Price, but not somewhere I would want to live. We took the long way home and enjoyed the beauty of the landscape which changes often through Utah and Wyoming. We saw a moose drinking in a pond, and the Flaming Gorge at the dam. We didn't get to see Uncle Rich catch a big one as we crossed, but we looked for him.
It was great to have a little vacation just the three of us. We haven't been on one in awhile. We'll have to do it more often. Next time instead of Cabelas though I think we should try Macy's. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Graveyard

Well Rick is on his way home from his first grave shift at the mine. He is exhausted when he gets home, but he says the shift itself goes really fast. He goes to bed around 2pm, and hard as we try, we usually wake him up by being too loud sometime around 7pm. Yesterday we stayed out as long as we could, and we were playing out in the front yard, when Katie, bold as day, walked over to the 4 girls next door, aged 3-11, and asked to play. I was giddy with the fact that she was playing with children and not being shy, that when they asked to go see her room I said yes. To my credit I told them to be quiet as Rick was asleep. Alas, I didn't think about 5 girls together makes for a loud situation. We had the girls go back outside but not before they woke the big tired Dad up. Thank goodness he too saw the merit of Katie making new friends. Today is his last day though. He is home for a few days. Thank goodness, with only one vehicle I am forced to stay up until the ungodly hour of 11pm to get him to the bus stop. Unfortunately we don't know what is going on still as someone outbid him on the crew he was on, and now he is crewless. Sometimes it feels like they are jerking him around just to make sure he wants to stay!!
In other news, Katie will be finishing up her first week of daycare today. I know, I know, it's only Wednesday. But I didn't want to burn the poor lady out on us. I am easing her into the Copsey madness. Katie LOVES going to Lizzy's house. That is the little girl. She never cried when I left her the first day, and yesterday she told me to leave. She has yet to say one word to Lizzie's mom, but that will come with time. I am relieved that she is happy, and safe. The first day I thought I was going to throw up from anxiety, and guilt, after I left, but when I returned to find a happy child I was on the brink of tears. I could have thrown myself at Nessi's (the mom) feet, but I thought that would make her think I'm weird.
Little by little Katie is growing up. At this moment I am here in the office typing on this blog, and my little baby came in and asked me if she could go in the backyard. So she is out there and I am not. Oh the Independence.
I think I may go cry, my baby is growing up...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Mine

Rick had this picture blown up and framed for me for my birthday. It is gorgeous in a frame and I think I may have him enter it in the fair next year. I love how Katie is so naturally happy, which is true most of the time, except, well, when she isn't. She is having a great time in this picture plucking grass from the trail we were on. The wind was intense, but hello we live in Wyoming. He was going to put Katie centered for the picture, but there is something unique and pretty about her being off center.
On another note, and I am still mad at myself for not taking pictures, I went to FMC today and got a mine tour. They had safety day at the mine and we were able to go and down and see what it's like. I, of course, embarrassed Rick with all my questions, some of which were true blond moments. I got to see the tool, a roof bolter, that Rick uses. It is bigger than a truck and he has to stand in front of it and put in the roof bolts. The guy told us that it is the most intense of jobs in the mine as it is the most physical, and wet. Wet and Trona don't go well together and dermatitis is a common malady. I never thought I would ever use the word malady and look at me. The things I do on this blog!!!!
Anyway to get into the mine you have to go down the shaft, 1500 feet underground. YIKES is right. If any one comes to visit then a tour is in order. I want to go all the way to the long wall and see where Rick is working. That is a good jeep ride underground away from where I was. About 30-40 minutes. So I will wait for someone to go with me. I also got to put out a simulated kitchen fire. Very good to practice. I didn't know how to do it and when a real one happens it isn't a good time to learn. I am sooooo sorry I didn't take pictures, I am kicking myself, promise. I know you all wanted to see me put out the fire. But it wasn't that interesting. I didn't catch my hair on fire or anything. Rick's work though is interesting, and anyone who wants to see the mine should make a trip out. It sure isn't something anyone sees everyday, unless you work at a mine, then you may skip that trip.
We looked at houses today and are pretty excited about what we saw. Keep your fingers crossed we may have our very own place sooner than later.
Rick starts graveyards tomorrow night. He is on a rotating shift. I will be starting work Monday and Katie will be starting daycare. Wish us luck, this is going to be a hell of a transition.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Birthdays, Sickies, and More Random Stuff

I got some cute pictures of Katie today, and when I loaded them on the computer I found a couple of others that don't go with anything in particular. So I guess I needed a random post.

My birthday was last week and as you know Katie loves birthday's. Aunt Carrie made my dinner, stuffed shells, sausages, salad, and homemade pineapple upside down cake for dessert. Katie helped me blow out the candles, and she even got her own party hat.

If you are up there in years, Katie is great help with the candles!!!

Yesterday Daddy was sick. He had a 24 hr bug, and had to be in bed all day. Katie was my helper getting him drinks, crackers, and soup for lunch. She really liked that he got to eat soup in bed. She liked the noodles at dinner. And poor thing tonight she was sick too (not). She gave us a very sad face and said her tummy hurt and she needed noodles in bed. She needed Daddy to put a show on for her, and me to make soup. So after dinner, which she ate, she came downstairs, put on her jammies, and ate her soup while watching a show. Man, sick people have the life!!!

I found these pictures in the archives, and I wanted to show them to you. She really likes swimming, and I am trying to get in shape. I bought myself this swim cap and goggles, and Katie has used them more to play with then I have to work out with.

What a Goob!!!

Have a great Friday!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Reno Baby!!!

4 Generations of gamblers in Reno

I am sure glad Rick didn't get a job in Reno. I always think "I feel it!!! I FEEEEEL IT!!!" And then I go to the machine, put in $20, and lose it in like 5 minutes, if that long. But I always have fun playing those money sucking machines.

This weekend was no exception. We all went to Reno for our annual trip, sans Aunt Lori and Marissa. They sure missed out! We gambled, we went to the circus, we played Bananas (a really fun word game I recommend), and we ate a lot. I ask you what is a vacation to a smoke filled town without breakfast, dessert, lunch, dessert, dinner, and dessert? The El Dorado has some AMAZING desserts, and we couldn't leave until we tried everything.

This year we found they had added a sushi bar and Dee and I took advantage and had sushi for lunch twice. We made everyone gag, including my mom who was sure she ate fish membrane. She gagged for a long time after.

We did get out of the casino though. Auntie Dee rented a minivan, which I loved!!! It is so fun to drive, and I can't believe I want one but I totally do. I drive a truck. Anything with a trunk is amazing to me. Anyway, we went and visited with Aunt Linda, but were disappointed that no one else could make it. She showed us her new house, and we visited for awhile. Then we were off again and found Macy's was having a one day sale, which was actually two days so we went twice, duh who wouldn't? Ok, ok, my mom knew about it. But Reno has the best Macy's, and so we had to shop. At least we spent money and got something in return this time. I actually miss that store already. I never shop at Macy's.

Katie was a trooper, and while I was grateful she was there, preventing me from gambling to my full brokeness (I don't think that's even a word), she will not return for another 18 years. We took her all over, but Circus, Circus was her favorite.
Aunt Carrie is WWWAAAYYY better on a real Harley!

Whack a Mole was difficult, I forgot how much so.

Not a great picture, but this guy was holding the dog on his shoulders as part of the circus show.

Do you see all the tickets we won!?!?

All the ladies went down to play all the games and win Katie a huge amount of tickets so she could get more stuffed animals then we could fit in our luggage. She also loved the escalator, which turned out to be a great distraction when we had to wait for anything.

Katie with one of her new stuffed animals. Thank you Auntie Dee!!!

Katie why are you holding that handle?

AHHHH Auntie Dee is driving!!! Hold on, don't let go.

We had a great time, the slots were tight, but so were our pants. Off to diet now!!! After all, I have to get ready for next year.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Visitors

We had a great visit last week from Grammie and Great Grams. Katie was so excited to have them we talked about it for weeks. "Two more weeks till Grammie and Great Grams come" I would tell her. She then would go and tell everyone. Then the day came when I said; "Tomorrow Grammie and Great Grams are coming" and she yelled "No mommy, they come in two weeks!!!" We would argue for a few minutes, and then realizing logic was futile with this two year old I gave up and said "OK Katie two weeks." To which she would look at me smugly as if saying "I already know more than you."
The visit was great. We got to show them all over town. The museum, the dinosaurs, and the rec center, being highlights.

The Triceratops was the only dinosaur we could get in the camera.
The other's were too big.

Swimming at the rec center.
The indoor playground at the rec center. Grammie and Katie
made a train tunnel. Katie is going through saying
"Chug a, Chug a, Choo Choo!"
A visit to the Walmarts netted Katie these awesome shoes.
Grammie and Katie having a punch ball tournament.
Great Grams shows off her mad skill too!

Grammie and Great Grams are leaving so we had to get a
group shot. We will miss them but we will be seeing them again
Thursday in RENO BABY!!!!