All over the state wives and children are getting ready for the season. Fall you think?? Nope, hunting season, a season in which every bit of free time is taken up by the hopefully fruitful search for a trophy elk, deer, antelope, moose, or anything else that is open season. This year is Rick's second Elk season. His first with a rifle (last year he only did archery).
The game and fish department is warning hunters about the bears. Grizzlies are roaming a bit further than Yellowstone due to the fact that their food is scarce. Their food is a berry from a tree, not campers (there are plenty of those!) Anyway, the game and fish department is recommending that hunters carry not only a side arm, but bear spray as well.
What is bear spray you ask?? Well it is pepper spray in a container the size of a small fire extinguisher.
Rick is all prepared for the season to open. He hopes not to see a bear since, as I mentioned before, they are hungry!

Hopefully if he sees a bear he will see one like this (this photo is from flicker, and not one I took!) This bear is either pondering life, or wondering if the guy taking the picture has bear spray!
Katie, Clint, and I, wish Rick and all the other hunters out there a safe, happy, and trophy sized season!