The last two weeks, and the first of summer were filled with swim lessons, and visitors. First to come was my Aunt Nancy and cousin Jenny. Jenny lives out on Kansas City now, and they were driving back there from California. They were able to stop for an hour or so and fill me in on all the happenings!

Then, Katie's Great Grandparents, and my Grandparents came out for a week long visit. Katie loved having them here. She plied them with tons of hugs and kisses.

She also forced them to play princess, pony, and barbies with her.

It was great to have a cheering section for her at swim lessons. Each time she completed a skill she looked to them for a clap or two. She is learning how to go underwater and she informed Great Grams that when she went under she wanted Great Grams to say "Where's my Katie?" So she did.

Katie led the way each day into the pool area at the high school. She loved having everyone come with her!!!

This is her teacher Siobhan. Katie LOVES Siobhan. We couldn't get through two weeks of swimming lessons without her!

Katie wasn't the only one to get spoiled this week. Grandpa and Grams gave Rick and I some new bedroom furniture. I was able to pick it out, and Rick loves it too.

Last Saturday some friends of Aunt Carrie's and Uncle Jack's cooked us some yummy Mexican food. This is David. He makes an awesome, and very spicy tomato and green chili spread. I think he used about 20 tablespoons or so of garlic for this one bowl. Spread it on a Parmesan taco, or dip in a chicken roll up and WOW!

Elaine showed Aunt Carrie and Grams how to make enchiladas, tacos, roll-ups (taquitos) and salsa. She used a lot of chili powder. Burn your throat, but you don't care because it tastes so good, hot. I like it when David and Elaine cook.
It has been a great two weeks. Lots of activity. But the next two are bound to get me. We are headed back to California! This week is meant for packing, cleaning, shopping, and getting ready. I better go catch a nap before all the excitement!
you're coming back to cali!!! I defnitely want to come and say hi! If you plan on coming to sf at all, let me know and you can see our new apartment! Miss you!
So happy for you and your grandparents. There is nothing like watching Katie do anything!!!!! We are SO looking forward to your visit! One week from today!
Nice bedroom set and how sweet of your grandparents to do that for you! They are special people. Love, Mom
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