Dear Family,
I am having a lovely time on my vacation. This family is nice to me, and it is very comfortable here. Last night I informed them that my usual sleeping arrangements didn't include sleeping alone. They were gracious/too tired to care, and allowed me to sleep on their very comfortable bed.

They have a lot to see out the windows, but darn these short legs, I just can't see very well.

Aaahhh that's better. Now I can see/protect this house from unwanted strangers.

I got my daily exercise when Katie chased me around the yard. There are a few knot holes in the fence as well, and I can check out all the neighbor dogs, and talk with them. Molly has been pleasant, although she mostly ignores me. I think she is intimidated by my good looks. We both have a lot in common. Especially our LOVE for all things edible.
I sure miss you all and can't wait to see you Sunday!

Dear Spicers,
Please come and get your dog. My family thinks he is adorable, and has been spoiling him with attention. I am feeling very unloved. He got to sleep with my family, and I had to sleep on my dog bed.
Dear Molly and MacGregor,
I get dog sitters all the time, it isnt so bad. Doc has become my new best friend now that he realized we are related. I would like to stay with your family Molly, so my mom stops accessorizing my hair (see her current picture left)
save me! love Louise
Dear Molly,
We are so sorry MacGregor has temporarily invaded your space. We will pick him up ASAP!
The Spicers
Dear MacGregor,
We hope you are being a nice boy. Go easy on Molly she's not used to such stiff competition:) See you tomorrow buddy!
Your Family
Dear Molly,
I would very much like to meet you. Last time I saw you, I was a wild, young dog full of energy. I have calmed down a little, just ask my cousin Louise. \
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