Saturday, January 3, 2009


We took pictures of Uncle Rich and Aunt Jo, albeit a little blurry...

She took pictures of me and Katie...

She took pictures of wild horses...

And Katie in her newest snow garb, again a tad blurry, it wasn't my camera...

But do we take a single picture of Grandma with Katie. No we do not. Katie is seen here at
Rick's graduation party. We didn't mean to forget, but we were having so much fun. Thank you for visiting us Grandma (Rick's mom to all who know her otherwise). Thank you for helping us unpack, rake leaves, shop, visit, play bananas, laugh, and have a great time.
It is always hard for us to let visitors leave, and we wish we could move everyone here, so that there were no more sad trips to Salt Lake. But I guess it makes the visits that much more special.
PS: Rick and Rosette just stopped back to the house on their way out. I snapped a picture with Rosette's camera of her and Katie. I bet you all are waiting on baited breath to see it, but you'll have to wait until it gets emailed to me all the way from Sunny Ca.

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