A couple of months ago the older children at school performed the living rosary. The rosary is a way for Catholic's to pray, and depicts the story of our salvation, it is often considered the perfect prayer. The children depicted and we all prayed the sorrowful mysteries, which goes through the birth, and death of Jesus. It is so powerful to watch the children perform.
This was Katie's first year in the Living Rosary and she was one of the women watching as Jesus carried his cross. She wore one of the sister's habits, and she said it was such a cool thing. The children are so curious about the sisters and their traditions.
Last Easter we watched the mini series The Bible, and as a mother I cried as Mary watched her son die on the cross. What a powerful message the movie held, the producers, actors, and directors told the story so profoundly well, I highly recommend watching it!
The children did a beautiful job. It makes me so proud to see our children learning about God, Jesus, and the Bible. Going to a religious school they are gaining knowledge on their faith, and learning such wonderful lessons on morals, and what their purpose is. Watching Katie perform such a powerful story makes me one proud Mama!!!