In one week from today we will go from being a family of three to a family of four. Little Ricky will be here for the three of us to hold and coo over. We have waited so long for his arrival, 3 1/2 years to be exact. With his birth brings a multitude of emotions and nerves. It was almost unfathomable that Rick and I would even have another child. The years between him and Katie brought a lot of pain and heartache. We had resigned ourselves to being the parents of a wonderful only child. Katie is and always will be the greatest joy of our lives. She is so full of love and life, we are in awe that we could be given such a wonderful gift.

She isn't a baby anymore, and watching her grow is so much fun.

Today she is Mommy and Daddy's big helper. She has just figured out how to dress herself (with amazing style) and this very morning she got herself a drink of water, doing the entire thing; getting the glass, filling the cup. She can't wait for her brother to get here either. She has big plans; changing diapers, getting him dressed, bathing him, and making him laugh. She will likely steal that baby's heart as much as she has stolen her Daddy's and mine.

She may not be our little baby anymore but she will always be Daddy's best girl! Unless Little Ricky turns out to be little Amy and then she will have to share that title!
What a wonderful post! I am crying with joy for you all!!
Your mom said it right...your post is truly wonderful! I, too, am crying and so thankful for this blessing!
Katie is a love!
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