Tuesday, August 25, 2009

No I'm not advertising Katie's new favorite show. The Fresh Beat Band is Katie's first live action show that she likes. Makes me a little nostalgic for the days when she loved Baby Einstein. This show is about a group of teens who have a band and love to dance and sing. Think High School Musical for children.

This is how I caught Katie watching her show. Her favorite character is Marina the one with red curly hair because she does funny things. But she likes Kiki best (the girl with straight brown hair), because she does cool things.
But I think she really thinks Twist is the funniest (the blond guy), because he does goofy things like get stuck in garbage cans, or buckets.

Ooohhwhoo Hahahaha, that Twist.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

What a cutie! She looks like a mini teenager sitting there! Mom