Monday, June 1, 2009

Rainy Day Conversation

It rained today. Hard. Flash flood hard. Thunder and lightning for 1 hour straight hard. I was home with Katie and her friend Kalesy, and between eating snack and running under the coffee table for fear of the lightning we had a very fun, and hilarious couple of hours.
Kalesy and Katie had some interesting conversation over chips, juice, and applesauce. Here is how it went.
Katie: "One time at Aunt Carrie's house a FLY got on me." She said fly like it was a huge ordeal, like can you believe a fly landed on me?!?!
Kalesy: "IT DID?!?!?!" Like holy crap not a fly!!!!
Katie: "Yeah."
Kalesy: "Did you flick it off or squish it?"
Katie: No! Aunt Carrie just swished it off. Just SSSWWWIIISSSHHH." Katie said the last part while moving her arm in a swishing motion over her other arm.
The two of them were completely serious. This was a real issue the flies landing on people. It was hard to keep a straight face.
It got especially difficult when they started showing me the faces they can make. Spooky!!!
Katie mostly copied Kalesy, but with her own twist.

These two are really strange. Thank goodness they are entertaining on rainy days such as it was today.
Help me!!!!


Grammie said...

OMG what a great Day!! Wish I was there!!!



Grandma said...

What a hoot! You write so well I can almost hear Katie talking about the fly!
Thanks for sharing such a great day! Wish I was there too! Love, Rosette

Dee said...

haa is that a chubby bunny face I see? looks like she needs some auntie dee time for some clever faces. dont get swept away!
<3 d