Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years ago today

Ten years ago today I was in college, newly engaged, and looking at the world like it was a bright wonderful place.  That morning I woke up and in getting ready for work turned on the tv.  It looked like a horrible accident a plane flying into the first WTC building, and as the people on the Today show were talking with a small photo of the burning building on the upper corner I watched in horror as the second plane hit another building, making this an act of terrorism rather than an accident. 
Each time I listen to the Daryll Worley song "Have You Forgotten" I am reminded of that day and the tears and anger bubble up.  I am so proud of our country and how we have fought back.  We are letting those who ripped us apart that day know that we won't take it laying down.
This is a picture of our nephew Derek.  10 years ago he was 12 years old.  He had no idea what impact 9/11 would have on his life.  He is currently in Afghanistan fighting for our freedom as a proud Marine.  I hope that each day you remind yourself that there are so many brave men and women who fight 7 days as week 14+ hours a day to keep terror out of our country.  Pray for them, send them cards letting them know you are thinking of them.  When you see them out and about thank them.  They are our heroes, and I for one am so proud to know one!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kindergarten Begins

 Katie started kindergarten today and she was pretty excited!  She is attending Catholic School and it just makes me all gooey inside to see her in her little uniform!  She allowed me to pick out all her clothes today so I could get a picture!
 Rick had the morning off so as I got the final touches put on the classroom he took all the pictures and got her to school on time.  What do you think of her backpack?  Grammie helped her pick it out and she is one of the few kids that doesn't have the same backpack as anyone else.
 But Katie going to school makes me nostalgic for the baby that she is rapidly leaving behind.  Here she is at 2 1/2. 

 She has always been such a sweet, smart amazing child.  I can't believe how fast time has flown and she isn't a baby anymore.
This is Katie at one years old.  Poor thing sure took her time getting some hair!  This I think was her Christmas card to everyone.

Last, this is Katie at about 4 days old.  I remember that night like it was yesterday.  She woke me up at 2am so happy and ready to look at everything.  It was just before Christmas and they were playing A Christmas Story on a 24 hour loop.  I kept falling asleep and waking up at the same point in the movie and I'd think "wow I've only been asleep for 5 minutes" when in fact I had slept until the movie got to the same point.  I'll admit I don't particularly miss the sleepless nights!
I'm sure you will all agree that it has been so wonderful to watch Katie grow and change into the wonderful child she is!!  She makes Rick and I so proud!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

First Haircut!

Clint was beginning to look like a bum! His hair is half curly half straight, and was in need of a little trim. So I put the Cars movie on and did my best impersonation of a barber.

He would have nothing to do with the hair cutting drape, and was more irritated that I was touching his head while Lightning McQueen was racing around. But in the end I "got 'er done." A Cars quote if you didn't know.

Clint is now looking very handsome!!!