We knew Katie loved to talk to cats, she even loved to touch them, but her obsession didn't magnify until we moved. The poor cat who's name is Shuto, but I may have spelled that wrong, is the object of Katie's desires. She has to go and say good morning to Shuto, goodnight, nap time goodnight, etc. We go down to the basement many times a day to see her. I should mention that Shuto never stayed in the basement before we arrived. She usually spent all her time upstairs. But now that we are here and Molly and Katie are taken with her she stays all day in a chair down here. If we bring her upstairs it is like kitty torture, she yowls the entire time. I think she knows though that Katie loves her. She allows her to do anything to her. Not once has Katie been scratched, and trust me she would deserve it. Katie loves to sit down here and watch her movies with Shuto, and often we will here her tell Shuto as the kitty is meowing in what seems to be discomfort, "it's alright, don't cry," and they continue to watch. Shuto must love Katie back, because I can't see her putting up with this LOVE otherwise.
The pictures below tell the entire story!