Do you see a BIG Girl here? Katie for the very first time, dressed her self from head to toe. Everything was on the right way, and she was very proud of herself.

She is pretty excited to be a big girl now and we are her reminiscing parents, who look back on the days when she couldn't walk, or talk, and needed us for everything. Too bad those days are pretty fuzzy to us, as we are totally immersed in the present with her. To think back on her as a baby is already a distant memory. She still feels like, and probably always will feel like, our baby. But we see so many ways in which she is growing up. She is going to school, something that a year ago seemed so far in the future, and she is coming to us with ideas, and concepts of a child, NOT a baby. She is growing up and we can't prevent it, or deny it. Some days I miss her being a baby, totally dependant on me, but another part of me is excited that she is understanding more, and participating more in our daily life and routine.

Look here Missy, don't think you can just ride off into the night, with out us. You have another 15 years until you can do that. I, for one, am going to hold on tight, until I am forced to let go!
1 comment:
Oh how the memories fade. I miss the days when Alex was Katies age. You pray those terrible twos will pass but when they are gone their is always another age with other problems. I've learned to enjoy every moment. How great it is to be a mom, and how it hurts to think of them gone.
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