Grammie came and visited us last weekend. We were all soooo excited. But no one was more excited than Katie and Dolly. Just look at their faces. They can't wait to see her. They both dressed up for the occasion, and couldn't wait to get to Salt Lake City to pick her up.

"Grammie!!!" Katie jumped out of the car (after I unhooked her from her car seat!) It was a long awaited reunion for sure.

"Grammie!!!" Dolly too had to say hello at the airport.

These girls are both completely content now that they have her here for a visit.

Here we go, off to go home for a weekend of fun! They spent the entire drive talking about what is going on in their lives.

Grammie brought Katie these two reindeer. We watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer from last Christmas until about August. I think it is time to break it out again. Grammie also made Katie this nightgown. Penguins hold her interest currently, and Grammie found this pattern. She will be making more, plus I put in a couple of orders for other outfits. Katie loves the pjs.

Uh Oh, here we go again. Rick and I are going to be singing all the songs from this movie for months!

The next day we went to Seedskadee to show Grammie some interesting history of the Oregon Trail. Quiz: What are we standing on??? Give up? It is a replica of the barge the pioneers used to cross the Green River!

Do you see the black spot in the middle of the picture??? It's a moose. I have never seen one so close before, but in the picture it looks like a dog. I think we need a bigger lens. When we left the refuge we noticed that there were actually two moose. We took a picture of them as well, but it isn't as clear.

Grammie of course brought birthday gifts so we had to have a celebration. Katie "helped" frost the cake. Yum!

We celebrated Daddy and Katie's birthday, she was really excited to blow out the candles. She is getting very good!

Then it was time to open the gifts. Daddy got some itunes money to load up more music on his ipod. He has already used a lot of it! He loves his music!!!

Katie got this princess dress up doll. She has a lot of outfits, Katie loves the blue princess best. Daddy named the doll Princess Pumpernickel, it stuck. It is pretty adorable to hear Katie say the princess' name.
Katie also got a birthday cake of her own. This one is wooden and she has been playing birthday party all week. She likes to sing to to Princess Pumpernickel, it is her birthday a lot. Katie can decorate the cake any way she wants, it has a lot of accessories.
We had to take Grammie home the next day but we took our time, enjoying every last minute of her visit. Katie got pretty upset when she left, we all did. Grammie has another visit planned for January, and if the weather holds she'll make it. If not then she has a plane ticket for another time.
Katie has asked all week if we are going back to the airport to pick up Grammie. When I tell her January she gets pretty mad, and says, "no, now". Yesterday she told me she wants to go live with Grammie and Papa, and that Daddy and I can come visit her. I told her that I would miss her too much but maybe she can go visit them this summer. She is ok with that, for now.
AHHHHH i am so happy you guys had fun! i cant wait to come out. you look great sister!
My heart overflows with happiness when I see how happy Grammy makes Katie. The other side aches for not having seen Katie for so long. I really miss all of you,but am happy for the changes in your life! We can't wait to come and visit! Love, Mom
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