Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Katie had an exhausting day today. A busy morning, in which we had to get ready for my Pre-K class party, which entailed me getting my costume on (I was a butterfly) and Katie getting her Halloween shirt and pants on. But then I did it. I dyed my hair blue, to go with the wings of course, and Katie just had to have blue hair. I am going to be washing my sheets tomorrow, as she just HAD to watch a show after and leaned back on my pillow. Then it was off to yet another Halloween party. This one had what seemed to be about 100 people. Katie had a great time, but the excitement wore her out, and made her rather cranky after.
But then we got the Jack-O-Lanterns ready and the second round of excitement began. She couldn't wait for her Daddy to get home and take her Trick-or-Treating.

She really admired the Jack-O-Lanterns we made. From left to right, they represent Katie, Daddy, Mommy, Aunt Carrie, and Uncle Jack. She couldn't wait to blow out the candles.

She was pretty excited about her Halloween costume too. She wore it proudly. We expected it to be cold, and snowing, but it was warm, at least in the upper 50's. So she got hot pretty fast. But everyone said how cute she looked, and I have to agree with everyone.
She didn't want any help Trick-or-Treating. She could go up to each door all by herself, knock, say Trick-or-Treat, Thank you and Happy Halloween. All alone. I can't believe this is the same child who last year had to be bribed with M&M's to go house to house. She couldn't wait to get all her candy. She saw a lot of her friends on the route, and wanted to talk and chat with each one. It was really fun.

She tripped over this at one of the houses. She asked me what it was and at first I said a leaf, but at closer inspection I saw it was a scorpion, and not a fake one. I have never even seen one outside a glassed in aquarium. Gives me the heebie jeebies just to look at it. I could only think of what would happen if a child picked it up, or if it crawled onto a child's Halloween costume, and so I did what any parent would do.
I squished it. Don't call PETA, I did it for the safety of children. I know, I know, scorpions are often misunderstood insects. It didn't even attempt at running away, so I am a big meanie. You should have heard the crunch though. It was gross.
Anyway, back to the holiday. Hey wait a minute, who is this. Katie is Trick-or-Treating at her own house. Do you think Aunt Carrie notices who it is?!?!!? This little sneak will trick anyone, even her great-aunt!

After exhausting herself, it was time to look at her loot. And what loot she got. She couldn't wait for me to check it so she could dig in.

M&M's, Smarties, and to the left a Tootsie Pop. She had to have it all. As she ate, she was constantly interrupted by the doorbell, at which time she had to get down from the table, and run to the door to hand out the candy.
Then she would run back to the table, forget what rotation of Smarties, M&M's, and Tootsie Pop she was on, not the she really cares, she just starts over. Shoves a Smartie in her mouth, lick the Tootsie Pop, and then an M&M. It was kinda sick to watch.
She is really getting into eating Lollipops! Don't you love the pig tails, I had to bribe, threaten, and cajole her into letting me put them in. Can you see the streaks of blue? I admit it isn't as bright as it was this morning, but you should see my pillow, it explains a lot.

Katie is finally asleep. We had another tantrum to get through first, but when your day consists mostly of sugar, no nap, and parties, you would have a hard time getting to sleep too!


Anonymous said...

Love the pig tails! What fun...those were the days. She is such a beautiful girl! Makes me smile that she is being more open and friendly with people now. Miss you all and love you! Thanks for sharing!!! Love, Grandma/Mom

Dee said...
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