Happy Halloween everyone!!! We had our Halloween party today at school, and it was a blast! After about 10 hours I finished Katie's costume, if you can't tell she's a penguin. She has been interested in penguins for awhile now, and when she saw the pattern she had decided then and there what she wanted to be for Halloween.

Isn't she adorable!?!?!?!!

She was pretty excited to have a tail, and she checked it out often during the day.

Katie does a great impression of a penguin walk. She told me that penguins like to slide on their stomach, on the ice. I told her to not do that on the cement. We have to keep the costume whole, and clean for Trick or Treating. She found an alternative...

Ms. Becca, her teacher, put out scooters for racing, and Katie showed everyone how a penguin slides on its belly. She is retaining so much information. We have to be careful about what we say around her. She will remember for weeks, and repeat it in very uncomfortable situations!!

I dressed up as a Cowgirl. My costume wasn't complete without the hat, but the hat was too big, so I didn't wear it much. As it was I was asked all day who I was supposed to be for Halloween. Oh well.

The party was lots of fun. Besides the scooter races, there was bean bag tosses, spider ring toss, and candy necklace making.
Look at this face. One minute Katie was having a great time at a party with her friends, and the next minute her friends were all leaving. She was sad. She wanted to party all night long.

Later that day, though, she was better. She went to Jenny's house, made cupcakes, with a vibrant orange and black frosting, and got to take one home. Forgotten was the sad party's over penguin, and hello was my sugar addict daughter, happy to have a fix. A messy, I don't know if it will come out, but don't care, because she's happy, daughter.
Who could ask for more?
1 comment:
What a darling costume! She looks adorable!!!! You did a great job. Tonight will be fun to see her trick or treating and know what is going on. Have a wonderful day! Love,
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