Katie has loved Clint from the start. The jealousy that most parents fear has not really reared it's ugly head in our home. Oh sure there are moments when she shows some signs, like when she is being a typical 4 year old and I am losing my temper with her antics, and she thinks I am being nicer to Clint than to her. Duh, he isn't talking back!!!!! But she really loves this little man with all her heart.

And the love is returned ten fold. He thinks (at least it looks like it) that she is the most amazing creature he has ever laid eyes on. She makes him laugh the hardest out of the three of us by dancing for him, making silly faces, etc.

He is beginning to kiss, which is so fun, because it isn't like a kiss it is more like and open mouth slobber. And sometimes you think he will kiss you but then he bites your chin. So you never can tell what you are going to get. And those teeth are sharp! Katie always gets a gentle, wet kiss from her little brother.

After he kisses he has to look at you like "what do you think of that?" She tells him she liked it! Then she tells him how amazing he is by saying "what a good boy, you are such a cute boy, I love you so much!!!"

And then he gives her a BIG hug. Just melts your heart, doesn't it??
great pictures! Loving siblings are the best! Happy Thanksgiving Copsey Family!
How sweet is that? Great job! Thanks for sharing!
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