This week we were privileged to watch a couple of wiener dogs, dachshunds if you must call them by their proper name. Jessie (above) and Jack (below) have been exceptionally good guests. They keep all the squirrels out of the yard, which is good for the birds who want to eat out of the bird feeder. The only problem is Jack has a bone to pick with any and all birds. When talking with his mom the other day I was horrified and slightly amazed to watch him chase and kill a bird. In keeping the squirrels at bay I noticed them climbing our big tree. At this moment they are exhausted from all the running around the yard they have done. It is a chore to get them in the house!

Molly, on the other hand, is always in a state of exhaustion. Squirrels are only to be chased if they come into the yard, and even then only if she feels up to it. She has never once considered climbing a tree, and the birds are ignored, unless of course they drop bird seed which Molly happily gobbles up.

Becca, Jack and Jessie's mom, informed me that her dogs do not jump on the couch. But she didn't mention them begging and us being complete suckers. Jessie gives excellent poor me looks, and Jack just waits until you try to pet him and they he uses your hand as leverage to climb up. We have been completely suckered by these two.

We were afraid they would be nervous, or shy around us. Nope they made themselves right at home. Jessie is, by the way, napping on my decorative bed pillow. Mi Casa es Su Casa!
Rick, That dog of yours looks dead. And anytime those dogs want to come to California they are welcome. The Squirrels in my orchard would love a visit. Tell Amy that the Garlic Fries seemed like a great idea at the time. Big Mac
ADorabLE! i had a dream I had another dog.....louise now swats at dogs to get them to play almost ended her in hot water when she did it to a raccoon the size of 2 molly's Sunday night.
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