Grammie and Papa came for a visit last Memorial weekend. We were very busy getting ready. We mopped. Ok, Katie mopped. She likes it, and I know there will come a day when she won't. She kept telling me she couldn't wait for Grammie and Papa to see her clean floor. It was clean. I think it took 4 hours to dry.

For a housewarming gift they bought us an outdoor swing and dining set. Last night we were able to eat outside for the first time. It rained almost the entire time they were here so they couldn't enjoy it with us. Katie is a very good worker. She had the job of removing all the tiny stickers that were all over the swing. She takes her jobs very seriously. She even brought her toolbox out to help.

When it was done, Katie was our official tester. We are enjoying the heck out of the swing. It has been beautiful weather since Wednesday, and we have been doing a lot of relaxing since summer break has begun.

After the swing was finished and Dad and Rick were working on the table we decided to go get our traditional ladies snack at Starbucks. Coffee, chocolate milk, and cookies. It's one of Katie and my favorite things to do when Grammie is in town.

Katie took this picture. I use a Nikon DX a very large camera, and she is able to hold it up, and shoot a pretty decent picture.

Grammie taught Katie a ton of new songs, and stories. Grammie helped Katie become an author and get the stories that were in their heads down on paper. Katie wrote two stories while they were here. Bubblegum, and Mr. Black and Mr. Brown. They even made them pop-up.

We took them on a couple of road trips while they were here. We went to Red Canyon down on the Flaming Gorge. There is a visitor center with an over look. The crack in the rocks is from ice expanding. If you looked between the cracks it would sometimes go straight down to the lake, which is at least 1000 feet below.

The above pictures were taken from the top of Red Canyon.

We ate at my favorite Red Canyon Lodge. Rick's Aunt and Uncle showed up for lunch. They were busy on their boat, and stopped in for a bite. It was kind of random to see them, and we were sorry we didn't drop by the marina.

Katie got to sit in someones canoe on the little lake at the lodge. She was REALLY mad we didn't bring her fishing pole. We will remember next time.

Monday we took them up on White Mountain to see the horses. I was a little afraid we wouldn't see any. But it was a great day for wild horse viewing. There were two foals, and lots of mares and stallions. The herds were spread out all over the mountain.

This mare and stallion stopped right in the road in front of us, just daring us to keep going. But as we got closer they ran. They are right next to the ridge of the mountain. They are amazing to watch.

During the weekend our neighbors asked us to watch their bunny. Can you guess his name? Mooey. I know adorable. He/She is a great bunny. He likes to hide under the blanket, and he jumps and twists all over the little room he was in. Katie and I want a bunny now.

Grammie and Papa left on Tuesday, and we had a relax day. Katie played super hard with them. She took two days to recover from all the excitement.
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