I enjoyed Mother's Day. I was able to do whatever I wanted. If I wanted to do chores I could do chores, if I wanted to relax, I was able to relax. I had a great dinner made for me, and was given a beautiful necklace from Rick, Katie, and Molly too.

This is the necklace that Rick and Katie got me. It is a silver and diamond necklace. Spoiled you say? I'm worth it!!!

Katie was busy most of the morning painting me Mother's Day pictures. I had to get up every 10 minutes or so to change the paper. Big paper is on it's way!

Here I am passed out in my hammock. It was sunny and warm, and the moment was one of those fleeting one's when Katie wasn't demanding my attention.
It was a great day. But then Monday happened. Usually on Mondays I have the morning off work. I use that time to leisurely get ready with Katie. We watch a show, we sit in our jammies until late. It is relaxing, and unproductive. I was in the process of getting dressed, earlier than usual, about 8:15 (I wanted to hang out outside, but wouldn't do it in my robe). I had just gotten out of the shower and heard my calendar alarm going off on my phone. "Stupid phone" I thought. I don't know what it's beeping for, I had nothing to do this morning. So I go downstairs to shut it off, and I look at what it says I have to do. TEACH THIS AM. Ohmygod!!! I am not dressed, I have no makeup on, hair is not done, AHHHHHHH. I ran upstairs screaming for Katie to come up and get dressed. I am supposed to be dropping her off NOW, and I am not even dressed. I put on the first pants and shirt I see (the pants being slightly too tight) and I literally throw on makeup, put my hair in a clip, get Katie dressed, and we run out the door.
So here we are at 8:50 and I am finally at work. I am in the process of reliving my morning to my aide Stephanie, when HORROR, EMBARRASSMENT, I realize I forgot to put on deodorant. Is my extra in my purse, nope, Katie had used it on herself and I didn't replace it. Can I make it home and back in 10 minutes, yeah right. I have to get through a class of brutally honest 5 year olds without lifting my arms on the off chance (good chance with the morning I had) that I stink to high heaven.
11:30- class has ended. I stick Stephanie with the remaining 2 children and run home to deodorize, make a sandwich, let the dog out to potty, and run out the door to pick up Kalesy, Jenny's (Katie's babysitter's) daughter for class. I run into her house and kiss Katie hello/goodbye and notice huh her eye is a little crusty. I hope it isn't pink eye (which is going around of course). Jenny and I decide it may or may not be so I get Kalesy and run out of the house.
12:30-I start the next class with deodorant. Happy teacher!!! This class is made up of 10 boys and 3 girls today. It is a little loud, but fun anyway.
1:30-Little boy in my class says his stomach hurts. He looks a little pale, but he doesn't want me to call his mom.
1:45-I am standing at the bathroom door supervising the hand washing for snack. The same little boy stands next to me and begins to gag, and I look at him thinking "what in the heck is he doing?" Then I realize what he is doing. But it was too late. He upchucked all over the bathroom floor. I tell him to go to the toilet. There are 4 children in the bathroom and they have to go through the throw up to get out. I yell to Stephanie to get me some gloves, get everyone out of the bathroom, except said little boy, and begin to clean. Stephanie gets me the gloves, gets a sick look on her face and runs away. "Isn't this her job?" I think. "Isn't this why I make the big bucks?" Nope.
3pm-Finally time to go home. I need to get to Walmart for some VIP groceries. I drop Kalesy off and Jenny is wiping Katie's eye. "It is pretty goopy" she tells me. Uh-Oh.
3:45-I am now at Urgent Care with Katie to check if it is pink eye, and get some medicine if it is. I call my boss to let her know that I won't be in tomorrow because Katie is contagious if it is. But of course all the extra teachers are out so I will have to find a way to be there. Of course there isn't, that's just my luck. I then get a hold of Becca the regular teacher and ask her to work the morning class, and I will take over in the afternoon. Success. Oh yeah, and I have to go pee.
4:30-Finally get out of Urgent Care. She has pink eye. I still have to pee.
4:35-I am at Smith's (Pharmacy/Grocery Store) dropping off the prescription. It is ready relatively quickly and I just need some tortillas to make dinner, the stuff I REALLY needed at Walmart can wait. Katie finds this to be the best time to throw a fit.
4:40-I placate her by taking her to her favorite bathroom, upstairs at the store. She has to pee too, and there are two stalls, but some idiot kid locked one of the stalls from the inside and crawled out, leaving only one working stall. I have to go really bad, but if I don't let Katie go first there is a good chance she will have an accident, not something I need today.
4:45-I finally get to go pee.
4:49-Katie tells me she won't throw a fit and I can pick up a few groceries. I buy tortillas to make enchiladas, and yogurt, and like two more things. We leave the store finally and head home.
5:20-We can't have enchilada's tonight because the steaks are going to be bad tomorrow. So Rick starts the barbecue for the steaks.
5:21-I ask Rick if he wants a potato or tortellini to go with the steaks. He wants a potato. On my way to get 2 potato's I realize I only have like a 1/2 tbsp of butter left. I forgot to get more at the store. So then I tell Rick we have to have tortellini. I make it with a white sauce. One problem. I don't have any white sauce.
5:30-We will have steaks, salad, and a veggie. Problem. I was supposed to get lettuce at Walmart too.
5:35-We decide the steaks can be for sandwiches, and we will all eat leftovers. Rick has a burrito, Katie has dino nuggets, and I have a blue cheese stuffed hamburger. No salad. Carrot slices instead.
The rest of the night surprisingly goes pretty normally. Katie got her bath, dessert, and before she went to bed I had to hold her down to insert a drop of medicine in her eye. The Dr who comes up with a pill to cure pink eye will receive my undying affection.
I am completely spent, but I had to tell someone about this day. I swear at least it's over.
Huh, what do you know, my eye itches. GREAT!