Last weekend we were on our way to see Uncle Mike, Rick's brother, when we got a call from his wife, Leahna, that he was coming to us. Katie and I were so excited. We were going to make it a surprise for Daddy. Katie knew Uncle Mike was coming and I would ask her "are we going to tell Daddy?" "Yes" she would tell me. "NO" I would tell her. It's a secret surprise. "oh, ok" she would say. We went over and over this, as we cleaned the house like mad women. Ok I cleaned the house, Katie tried to look busy, but her toys overtook her. Well I was vacuuming, and I heard the door shut downstairs. Before I could stop Katie, even get the vacuum turned off Katie had run up from her office and said, "Shhh, daddy, I'm not supposed to tell you, Uncle Mike is coming." 3 year olds. You just can't trust them.
But we had a great visit. Katie taught him to play all kinds of sports, and she was overjoyed to have her uncle visiting her. Not us, just her. Each time we would be talking to Mike, she would say "Mommy, I am talking to Uncle Mike now." Each morning, as it is with any guests, she would wake him up at some ungodly hour. She goes screaming into the room "WAKE UP UNCLE MIKE!!!!!" He jumps up, she laughs, hugs him, and tells us the story of how she woke him up for the next hour.

She loved the fact that he had to share her bathroom with him. If he was brushing his teeth so was she. She pretty much gave him no privacy. Poor Uncle Mike, can't even brush his teeth by himself.

We took Mike to Utah to see the gorge. While we were at the dam the rangers told us a tour was starting. So we went to the bottom of the dam where you can feed the fish. Although this looks like a long way down, we asked and it still isn't as far down as Rick went down under ground at the mine. CREEPY!!!

Katie loved feeding the fish. They are huge fish, that just wait there for the tours to come down and feed them. When you feed them they swim all over themselves to catch the pellets. It is fun to watch, but creepy to think about swimming among!

We all enjoyed feeding them. Look at those two. I bet their dreaming about which one would be best to eat!

Just look at them. Those are some big fish!

Then we took Mike to the Red Canyon Lodge area and found lots of deer. No bucks though. But this Mama, and baby were pretty cute.

When we got home, and ready for bed that night, Katie was excited for dessert. "Uncle Mike will you have popcorn with me?" How can he refuse. She couldn't wait. Literally. She was eating out of her bowl before he even got his. She loves her popcorn.

Katie loves to have snacks with Uncle Mike, she likes to steal snack from anyone. But this time she had her own bowl. This shot of them eating their popcorn took me back about two years.

Katie was about 1 1/2 and Uncle Mike was taking a lunch break from hunting I'm sure up at the ranch. Katie saw him eating, and toddled over to him to "share."

The next day Katie taught Uncle Mike to play wiffle ball. She is getting pretty good, and thought he might like to learn. She took a few hits first to show him how it's done.

Then it was Uncle Mike's turn. "Like this?" he asked her. "No, Uncle Mike!" she answered giggling.

"Hold the bat like this, and turn like this." She is a very good teacher!

She pitched him a few fast balls, and then let Daddy take over.

She stands over here to have a good hiding spot, in case he hits one. The barbecue is her hiding spot.

We really enjoyed our Uncle Mike visit. We can't wait for him to come back and to bring his family along.
1 comment:
How exciting! I see the happiness in every picture! Wish we all could have been there, but then it wouldn't have been an "Uncle Mike" visit!!!! I can hear Katie laughing and being SO HAPPY to see him! Love, Mom
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