Well the sunny, warm, days of spring teased us a couple of weeks ago. When we got back from Laramie the storms blew in, and we have been pelted with snow ever since. Everyone who lives here is bummed by the snow. They are ready for warm weather. We, on the other hand are enjoying the snow. Now if it would just stay awhile so we can play in it then that would be all the better. But as fast as it starts snowing, it melts. We have yet to sled, or build a decent snowman. The snow is still a novelty to us, and we can't wait to really get to play in it, although Katie has made some excellent snow angels, and she oh so loves to hit me in the tush with a snowball. But the snow here is "dry" snow which is pretty difficult to mold into a good snowball, unless it turns to hard ice, which makes painful snowballs.
Today it snowed some really fat flakes, and we had to go out and taste them.

Rick and Katie tried to get some snow. Rick showed her how to follow one snow flake and have it land in her mouth.

Katie tried but the darn snow got in her eyes too. Maybe she needs a hat. Yum all that delicious fresh snow.

Aack, cough, choke. That wasn't a snowflake!! The risks Dad's take for their children.
Happy April everyone, from sometimes snowy Wyoming!