My niece makes me so proud. I swear she is so advanced for her age. Her mommy just informed me that at 6 weeks she has rolled over. She wasn't as impressed herself until I told her that Katie didn't roll over until 4 1/2 months, and that normally babies roll over at around 4 mos. She has finally heard her real voice as Kikki let out an "ohhh" the other night. I remember hearing what Katie's little voice sounded like, not just the little squeaks and grunts of infant hood but her voice.
And do you not just LOVE the little deer outfit. I mean did you see the tail?!?!?! She is starting to look a lot like her daddy. Her nose seems to give her away.
She had her 6 week check-up and she is now a hefty 15 pounder. I assured her mommy that Katie grew that fast. Although she started a bit smaller. But by 6 weeks Katie was close to 12 pounds herself. If you see her now she is close to 40 inches tall, but I don't know her weight since she hasn't been to the doctor lately, and my scale broke. No I didn't break it, the battery died.

Anyway, Kikki is so cute. Just look at the feet of this little outfit. Precious. Makes me want one. I hope I get this outfit passed to me when I have another! Hint, Hint!
So Cute!!! I loved Rick's blog. He is an incrediable writer! (do I see a side job as an author?!)
Love Mom
You are an awesome aunt to share all the information about the baby's growth. I especially enjoy hearing the info in comparison to Katie! :) Your mother has a great idea for a side job for you and Rick!!!
Love, Grandma/Mom
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