One day when Amy and I were watching over our new backyard, drinking coffee, we noticed that there were some hungry birds nearby. We decided that it would be a good idea to visit Walmart for a new bird feeder so that all of the local birds will be happy.
Look at those happy birds! ...
...then we noticed that the bird feeder was emptying out pretty fast and we didn't have a ton of local birds visiting our backyard. So, then it happened. Amy looked out one day and saw why...
Sneaky, the squirrel decided to check out the bird feeder. Apparently, modesty is not one of his traits, nor is understanding that bird feeders are for birds and squirrel feeders (which we do not have) are for squirrels.
To make matters worse, this little sucker decides to show off while he is making a mess stealing bird food.
Look at him hanging upside down on the little branch.
We laughed and thought it was cute at first, but then we realized that he was taking an awful lot of bird food and that stuff wasn't cheap...

Obviously, something had to be done, so I sicked my killer dog on him.

She was more interested in the Frisbee than this local menace, so she did what she does best and found a sunny spot to lay down. Besides, she is scared of Chihuahua's, which are about the same size as the goofy squirrel...
So, I thought about "plan B". We live in Wyoming and I know that I have the right tools for this one...

Amy wasn't too thrilled with the idea that I would let an arrow fly in the backyard, but I told her that we really didn't know our neighbors anyway and most of their dogs are barkers. I mean it is totally a win-win for me. Besides, I have a brother in Missouri that would eat the gosh darn thing... probably raw.
Well, against my better judgement, I opted to not go "Robin Hood" on the furry menace, but we did take to leaving peanuts out for the squirrels so that the birds will have some chance at the food. It was probably the best solution because now all the critters are happy.