Katie is starting to do more chores around the house. She really likes to help out. I take complete advantage of it, and from day one living here I have her raking leaves...

She loves the crunch sound the leaves make when she walks, and jumps through them, so when the little Cinderella finished raking, she was permitted to jump in them.

Shoveling snow...

Besides shoveling snow, which she is pretty good at, much better than me, who shoveled into the wind making no discernible difference to the driveway clearing, Katie is also a talented snow angel maker. We didn't get a ton of snow, but it was enough to give it a try. I just told her what to do and she did it. I haven't made one yet, but when I do I think I'll do it in the backyard...at night.

This is one good snow angel. Now back to the chores Katie can do...


And making dinner. I don't know how to make pizza from scratch, and thank goodness Katie is ready to learn. Now her Daddy can have pizza whenever she gets the urge to make it. Don't get me wrong, I do chores, but if someone offers to help I say have at it. I will slowly turn into the resident lazy person around here. And who wouldn't?

After all, she sets a pretty table!
Awesome, can I borrow katie sometime? J/k. She is an awesome helper!
Cute! She actually was good at pushing the pizza dough around and spreading the toppings on! Go Katie, go!!!!!
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