Well now that we are mostly settled, boxes are almost all unpacked, and the list of things I can't find, that I know I had before we moved, is getting shorter and shorter. Pictures are hung, and we are finally feeling like this is home. We still are in a bit of a daze, I just got to sit down for the first time in months and watch part of The Real Housewives of Orange County, during the day, drinking a lovely cup of HOT, not luke warm, coffee. Eventually we will get into a normal groove of things, and I may get to see more than that half of an episode.
But now it is time for you all to see the house. NOTE: if you don't like clutter, if it really makes you cringe, walk away now. It isn't pretty at times, although I did clean up a little before I took the pictures. But of course it isn't as immaculate as I usually keep house. For those of you who know me my house is always dust free and sparkling. And for those of you who don't know me well enough, you must know that I am joking.

Anyway this is the entry way and I had to add this in the blog, because the painting you are looking at was done by Nikki. She gave this to Rick and I a couple of years ago, OK like 4 years ago, and we never had the right wall to put it on. But this spot we knew would be perfect. It is a very peaceful piece and we love looking at it. Thank you Nikki, come and see it whenever you and Dela get the urge to come out here!

This is the other side of the living room. Right now it is our office/living room. So please come visit and sit and chat with me in here. There isn't a TV, and I may make is kinda girly, so the deer head, and duck may have to go. We'll see.

This is the kitchen. Notice the my little slave doing her chores, yet again. She is "sweeping" with the swiffer, although it doesn't have the swiffer pad on it. That offends her. She doesn't like the pad. So it is more like a toy. She must not know that if she doesn't sweep well, then it's up to the dog.

This is the other side of the kitchen. We are planning a remodel, maybe next summer, or sometime after that. But for now it works, and I am not going crazy with the lack of counter space. The kitchen I left in Ca. and the one I left at Aunt Carrie's made for some creative adjustments on my part. But I know a good plumber and electrician who might be thinking about taking a nice vacation to Wyoming, while we are doing this remodel, and who happen to take there tools everywhere they go. I may have to bribe them. I'm not above it.

This is our eating area. As I said I didn't clean before I took these, so I am sorry you have to see the clutter, but see it now, or see it when you visit, it will be there. We will hopefully be remodeling this area as well. We want to make it our entry to the backyard, and make it a bit bigger.

This is the room below the eating area. This is the family room. This is where all the deer heads and duck, will hopefully reside when I have the energy and money to do a little remodeling.

The laundry room is in the family room. YUCK. It is loud and messy. We want to put it behind the kitchen.

This is the war zone, er, I mean the basement. We made it into Katie's playroom and storage. The walls are going to be painted, but for now it is a great place for Katie to come play. She calls it her office. She likes to come down to her office while I "clean." I say that with quotes, since I really try to watch a little Real Housewives, when she's down here.

This is our room. I think it needs help. How bare it looks in the pictures. I hear you asking "where is all the clean laundry stacked?" To be honest I moved it off the bed into piles behind me so I could take this picture. My mother and Grams are cringing right now, I can feel it. This room will also need a little redecoration. If you know any decorators who can pinpoint a color for this room (Ahem Kim, and Aunt Lori) please have them call me so I can get some help.
This is my bathroom, and I am a little embarrassed that the toilet seat is up. But in the spirit of showing you my house and trying not to care about all the clutter, I am including it. We love this house, but there are a few things we will change. The kitchen is one, the bathroom another. I think the house was built by little people. The toilets and counters in the bathrooms are so low, that I feel like I have to squat down just to wash my face in the sink. It's almost comical to see how low they really are.
Some come and visit, see our low toilets, laugh at the paint in the basement, and enjoy our new home. We truly enjoy it, and feel like for first time home owners we hit the jackpot. We can't wait to show it off to all of you and get your reactions!