Katie turned 3 this last week. I can't believe it. I swear she was just born last year. It doesn't seem like 3 years have gone by already. She was really excited about turning three, and for months whenever you asked her how old she would be on her birthday she concentrated hard to get those three fingers in the air to tell us she is 3.

She got a lot of great presents, and thank you to everyone! One was this great coffee pot. Now she can make her Daddy coffee all day while they play. It makes the real coffee gurgle sound, and she loves it!

Then there is this little penguin. When you wind it up, it hopped around. She didn't care about presents for awhile after. She just wanted to make the penguin work.

But then, she got one. She was in complete shock. She has been wanting a pair of these since we moved here, and she got to use some real ones. Just look at that face, it says it all. She got...

Binoculars! She got a complete set of spy gear; a spy-o-scope (just like Diego), a camera, a compass, a watch, a flashlight. It was great. She sleeps with the entire set. Saturday she had her party with all her friends. She had a Diego themed party, and she had a great time. Her friends from school came, and they played pin the tail on the donkey, and musical squares. It was a pretty great party, and we were exhausted for the entire rest of the weekend.
I love the coffee pot! I can't wait to visit in your new house and have "katie and grammie coffee time"!
Great pictures! Looks like she will make all of us happy with coffee! I'm glad she liked the penguin! Looking forward to seeing all of you in your new home soon!!!!!
Love, Grandma/Mom
Hi all,
The Pizza looks soooo good! I hope you took notes!
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