Miss Molly is a well loved, nervous, over eating Beagle. She has, what we call, an eating disorder. She simply can't stop. We do feed her twice a day, but any time there is food being eaten she is always close by waiting for a morsel to drop. I must say it is her most irritating quality. Although in her defense she does keep the floors awfully clean.

See picture evidence above. Katie and Daddy are eating a picnic lunch of KFC, and Molly is dutifully waiting below them just in case, and it there is a very good chance, especially by Katie, that a huge morsel of chicken will fall to the floor, in which case Molly will gobble it up as fast as doggly possible just in case we try to take it away. I don't think we have ever done that, but she doesn't want to take the chance.

Molly is also a very nervous dog. She doesn't like other dogs getting too close (she had a bad experience last year, I think she needs dog therapy) she makes an old lady get away from me noise at them. It makes Dori think she really does want to play, and I think Dori enjoys riling her up. It is pretty funny, although we have to give Dori disapproving looks so she doesn't see we think it's funny, it eggs her on even more!!
This is about as far into the water Molly will ever get. She is a water phobe. She hasn't had a bad experience with it. Maybe it's a Beagle thing. I hope it's a Beagle thing.

Molly likes to go places with us, but she thinks is extremely unfair that she can't sit up front, on Daddy's lap, while he's driving. Instead she is forced to sit in the back seat like a child, her only consolation is that she can sniff the floors freely and find all of the cheerios Katie dropped. Again we appreciate her clean-up skills, as sometimes I don't get to vacuum the floors for quite awhile. Ok, I admit I don't vacuum the floors in the car, I just take Molly out and lock her in the truck for 10 minutes. Floor clean!

At the end of the day Molly just wants to get on our bed, crawl under the covers and call it a night. Boy, oh boy, do I love that dog.
1 comment:
Molly is a special dog! I remember going to Williams to see her on the way to her new home! She is so good with Katie...which is wonderful. I don't think I ever felt dogs ears that were so soft! She is a treasure.
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