See what Katie sees? She built a snowman there the day before, but it had melted and covered in new snow. The snow is still here, and it comes and goes. Each morning we get snow until about 9am, after which it is fun to play in and then it begins melting. We are taking advantage and going out in the mornings to play. This is Katie's new snow outfit. She isn't a big fan of it, but wears it because we make her. We are soooo mean, trying to keep her warm and dry. I tell you, who do we think we are?

Daddy and Katie built a new snowman outside the front door. This one is bigger and should last a bit longer.

Katie didn't like how small my snow man was, she wanted a BIG snowman! I told her "Look kid I'm new at this snow stuff," and I threw a snowball at her.

Katie is having a lot of fun in the snow. We can't wait to get some sleds!!!
the snow looks sooo fun!
Looks like Katie is enjoying the snow! Does Molly like it???? Wish we were there to enjoy it with all of you!
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