Who goes outside at night when the temperature is 17, with a windchill of -7 to watch a parade? The people of our town that's who. We bundled up and headed downtown for the annual Christmas parade.

The floats in the summer parade deck out in lights, and brave the cold themselves to entertain us.

We get everything from floats, to emergency vehicles, to antique tractors.

Santa always comes down from the North Pole to join us in this parade. He doesn't mind the weather. People even throw candy during the parade, which is great, except for the fact that we are all wearing really thick gloves and we have a hard time picking it up. Maybe next year they can hand us the candy. In the end we made it through 4 floats, and we had to leave. Katie's toes began to ache from the cold.

I on the other hand, was the warmest of all. Pregnancy does that to a person. Baby Copsey likely wasn't too happy about the temperature. I am sure he/she is wishing we would move some place warmer before arrival. I am just hoping the weather warms up before he/she arrives in May '10. You never know about the weather here in Wyoming!