Oooohhh I found some!!You read right I said toe jam! Katie has a new gross obsession with her toes. She loves to look for toe jam and will do so any chance she gets. I found this to be a new way to stop her from doing something I don't want her to do. "Katie do you have toe jam?" I asked her as she was running around the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks, dropped to the floor, and checked between her toes. Last night, as we were getting ready for bed, she didn't have any toe jam and asked me if she could have some. I told her we would work on it tomorrow. I wonder where I can get a spare?
We went to Hidden Villa in Los Altos last week, and boy did we have fun. Grammie's pre-k went and invited us. Katie got to try organic veggies, we were able to eat them straight from the garden, and pet lots of farm animals. She liked the chickens best! When we saw the pigs she was so excited. The mommy pig had 10 piglets, and they were "SOOO UTE" as Katie called them in a high squeaky voice. The smell was not nearly as cute and brought back farm memories for me and Grammie. I didn't know pigs smelled the same wherever you see them. We pet a lamb, who was only a couple of days old. The goats were pregnant, and the babies were kicking like crazy, that was COOL!!! After the goats Katie saw three horses with riders. She yelled out "DUUUUKKKKEEEE" and ran toward them to pet. Luckily she was next to me so I could stop her, she sure loves horses!!!
The Rabbit hole into the Garden

I think she is trying some flower petals!

Checking if the Chicken laid an egg
The Mama Pig and her Piglets
On an exciting news front, Katie has given up her Yaya's (Pacifiers). She had the nose one until two weeks ago when the thing finally got a hole in it. The others got "lost" and the pink one held on. She had me wipe it to make it soft for her nose, but I couldn't get it soft enough and the tantrums were a lot intense. I was so glad to see that thing go. I don't even know if I got a picture of her with it, but you know what I will never let her see it until I can be sure it won't make a come back. So sorry for the loss.
I hope this finds everyone enjoying the sunshine!!!